Tech meets tradition

Alternew connects fashion to its circular future through alterations, repairs, and beyond.

Alternew is fashion’s operating system for post-purchase services. Our technology platform enables brands, retail teams, customers and tailors to seamlessly interact, unlocking circularity and cost savings. By facilitating each interaction, we generate data that offers brands valuable insights into their customers and products after purchase.

The perfect fit

Good for business, and good for the planet. Our flexible solutions meet your needs today and in the future.

How it works

1. Evaluate

We begin by assessing your brand’s current services, understanding your customers, and identifying your future goals.

2. Transform

We get everyone involved using our tech platform to to digitally enhance your alterations and repairs services.

3. Grow

We're here to support your growth with our trusted network of local tailors.

We’re on a mission to make the transformative powers of care and repair services accessible to all.

By accelerating fashion’s transition to the circular economy, we’re helping to build a more sustainable future.